Room At_Y2 "At ~Y2~" with name 'y2', description "You are in a large room, with a passage to the south, a passage to the west, and a wall of broken rock to the east. There is a large ~Y2~ on a rock in the room's center.", after [; Look: if (random(100) <= 25) print "^A hollow voice says, ~Plugh.~^"; ], before [; Plugh: PlayerTo(Inside_Building); rtrue; Plover: if (In_Plover_Room hasnt visited) rfalse; if (egg_sized_emerald in player) { move egg_sized_emerald to In_Plover_Room; score = score - 5; } PlayerTo(In_Plover_Room); rtrue; ], s_to Low_N_S_Passage, e_to Jumble_Of_Rock, w_to At_Window_On_Pit_1; Scenic -> "~Y2~ rock" with name 'rock' 'y2', description "There is a large ~Y2~ painted on the rock.", has supporter; ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Room Jumble_Of_Rock "Jumble of Rock" with name 'jumble' 'of' 'rock', description "You are in a jumble of rock, with cracks everywhere.", d_to At_Y2, u_to In_Hall_Of_Mists; ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Room At_Window_On_Pit_1 "At Window on Pit" with name 'window' 'on' 'pit' 'east' 'e//', description "You're at a low window overlooking a huge pit, which extends up out of sight. A floor is indistinctly visible over 50 feet below. Traces of white mist cover the floor of the pit, becoming thicker to the right. Marks in the dust around the window would seem to indicate that someone has been here recently. Directly across the pit from you and 25 feet away there is a similar window looking into a lighted room. A shadowy figure can be seen there peering back at you.", before [; WaveHands: "The shadowy figure waves back at you!"; ], cant_go "The only passage is back east to Y2.", e_to At_Y2; Class PitScenic with found_in At_Window_On_Pit_1 At_Window_On_Pit_2, has scenery; PitScenic "window" with name 'window' 'low', description "It looks like a regular window.", has openable; PitScenic "huge pit" with name 'pit' 'deep' 'large', description "It's so deep you can barely make out the floor below, and the top isn't visible at all."; PitScenic "marks in the dust" with name 'marks' 'dust', description "Evidently you're not alone here.", has multitude; PitScenic "shadowy figure" with name 'figure' 'shadow' 'person' 'individual' 'shadowy' 'mysterious', description "The shadowy figure seems to be trying to attract your attention."; ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Room In_Dirty_Passage "Dirty Passage" with name 'dirty' 'passage', description "You are in a dirty broken passage. To the east is a crawl. To the west is a large passage. Above you is a hole to another passage.", e_to On_Brink_Of_Pit, u_to Low_N_S_Passage, w_to In_Dusty_Rock_Room; ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Room On_Brink_Of_Pit "Brink of Pit" with name 'brink' 'of' 'pit', description "You are on the brink of a small clean climbable pit. A crawl leads west.", w_to In_Dirty_Passage, d_to In_Pit, in_to In_Pit; Scenic -> "small pit" with name 'pit' 'small' 'clean' 'climbable', description "It looks like you might be able to climb down into it.", before [; Climb, Enter: MovePlayer(d_obj); rtrue; ]; ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Room In_Pit "In Pit" with name 'in' 'pit', description "You are in the bottom of a small pit with a little stream, which enters and exits through tiny slits.", u_to On_Brink_Of_Pit, d_to "You don't fit through the tiny slits!", has nodwarf; Scenic -> "tiny slits" with name 'slit' 'slits' 'tiny', description "The slits form a complex pattern in the rock.", has multitude; ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Room In_Dusty_Rock_Room "In Dusty Rock Room" with name 'dusty' 'rock' 'room', description "You are in a large room full of dusty rocks. There is a big hole in the floor. There are cracks everywhere, and a passage leading east.", e_to In_Dirty_Passage, d_to At_Complex_Junction; Scenic -> "dusty rocks" with name 'rocks' 'boulders' 'stones' 'rock' 'boulder' 'stone' 'dusty' 'dirty', description "They're just rocks. (Dusty ones, that is.)", before [; LookUnder, Push, Pull: "You'd have to blast your way through."; ], has multitude;