Room At_Complex_Junction "At Complex Junction" with name 'complex' 'junction', description "You are at a complex junction. A low hands and knees passage from the north joins a higher crawl from the east to make a walking passage going west. There is also a large room above. The air is damp here.", u_to In_Dusty_Rock_Room, w_to In_Bedquilt, n_to In_Shell_Room, e_to In_Anteroom; ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Room In_Bedquilt "Bedquilt" with name 'bedquilt', description "You are in bedquilt, a long east/west passage with holes everywhere. To explore at random select north, south, up, or down.", e_to At_Complex_Junction, w_to In_Swiss_Cheese_Room, s_to In_Slab_Room, u_to In_Dusty_Rock_Room, n_to At_Junction_Of_Three, d_to In_Anteroom, before [ destiny; Go: if (noun == s_obj or d_obj && random(100) <= 80) destiny = 1; if (noun == u_obj && random(100) <= 80) destiny = 1; if (noun == u_obj && random(100) <= 50) destiny = In_Secret_N_S_Canyon_1; if (noun == n_obj && random(100) <= 60) destiny = 1; if (noun == n_obj && random(100) <= 75) destiny = In_Large_Low_Room; if (destiny == 1) "You have crawled around in some little holes and wound up back in the main passage."; if (destiny == 0) rfalse; PlayerTo(destiny); rtrue; ]; ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Room In_Swiss_Cheese_Room "In Swiss Cheese Room" with name 'swiss' 'cheese' 'room', description "You are in a room whose walls resemble swiss cheese. Obvious passages go west, east, ne, and nw. Part of the room is occupied by a large bedrock block.", w_to At_East_End_Of_Twopit_Room, s_to In_Tall_E_W_Canyon, ne_to In_Bedquilt, nw_to In_Oriental_Room, e_to In_Soft_Room, before [; Go: if ((noun == s_obj && random(100) <= 80) || (noun == nw_obj && random(100) <= 50)) "You have crawled around in some little holes and wound up back in the main passage."; ]; Scenic -> "bedrock block" with name 'block' 'bedrock' 'large', description "It's just a huge block.", before [; LookUnder, Push, Pull, Take: "Surely you're joking."; ];