Room In_Secret_N_S_Canyon_0 "Secret N/S Canyon" with name 'secret' 'n/s' 'canyon' '0//', description "You are in a secret N/S canyon above a large room.", d_to In_Slab_Room, s_to In_Secret_Canyon, n_to In_Mirror_Canyon, before [; Go: if (noun == s_obj) canyon_from = self; ]; Room In_Secret_N_S_Canyon_1 "Secret N/S Canyon" with name 'secret' 'n/s' 'canyon' '1//', description "You are in a secret N/S canyon above a sizable passage.", n_to At_Junction_Of_Three, d_to In_Bedquilt, s_to Atop_Stalactite; Room At_Junction_Of_Three "Junction of Three Secret Canyons" with name 'junction' 'of' 'three' 'secret' 'canyons', description "You are in a secret canyon at a junction of three canyons, bearing north, south, and se. The north one is as tall as the other two combined.", se_to In_Bedquilt, s_to In_Secret_N_S_Canyon_1, n_to At_Window_On_Pit_2; Room In_Large_Low_Room "Large Low Room" with name 'large' 'low' 'room', description "You are in a large low room. Crawls lead north, se, and sw.", sw_to In_Sloping_Corridor, se_to In_Oriental_Room, n_to Dead_End_Crawl; Room Dead_End_Crawl "Dead End Crawl" with name 'dead' 'end' 'crawl', description "This is a dead end crawl.", s_to In_Large_Low_Room, out_to In_Large_Low_Room; Room In_Secret_E_W_Canyon "Secret E/W Canyon Above Tight Canyon" with name 'secret' 'e/w' 'canyon' 'above' 'tight' 'canyon', description "You are in a secret canyon which here runs E/W. It crosses over a very tight canyon 15 feet below. If you go down you may not be able to get back up.", e_to In_Hall_Of_Mt_King, w_to In_Secret_Canyon, before [; Go: if (noun == w_obj) canyon_from = self; ], d_to In_N_S_Canyon; Room In_N_S_Canyon "N/S Canyon" with name 'n/s' 'canyon', description "You are at a wide place in a very tight N/S canyon.", s_to Canyon_Dead_End, n_to In_Tall_E_W_Canyon; Room Canyon_Dead_End "Canyon Dead End" with description "The canyon here becomes too tight to go further south.", n_to In_N_S_Canyon; Room In_Tall_E_W_Canyon "In Tall E/W Canyon" with name 'tall' 'e/w' 'canyon', description "You are in a tall E/W canyon. A low tight crawl goes 3 feet north and seems to open up.", e_to In_N_S_Canyon, w_to Dead_End_8, n_to In_Swiss_Cheese_Room; ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Room Atop_Stalactite "Atop Stalactite" with name 'atop' 'stalactite', description "A large stalactite extends from the roof and almost reaches the floor below. You could climb down it, and jump from it to the floor, but having done so you would be unable to reach it to climb back up.", n_to In_Secret_N_S_Canyon_1, d_to [; if (random(100) <= 40) return Alike_Maze_6; if (random(100) <= 50) return Alike_Maze_9; return Alike_Maze_4; ], before [; Jump, Climb: <>; ]; Scenic -> "stalactite" with name 'stalactite' 'stalagmite' 'stalagtite' 'large', description "You could probably climb down it, but you can forget coming back up.", before [; LookUnder, Push, Take: "Do get a grip on yourself."; ];