Object cave_closer with daemon [; if (treasures_found < MAX_TREASURES) return; StopDaemon(self); caves_closed = true; score = score + 25; remove CrystalBridge; give Grate locked ~open; remove set_of_keys; StopDaemon(dwarf); StopDaemon(pirate); remove Troll; remove Bear; remove Dragon; StartTimer(endgame_timer, 25); "^A sepulchral voice reverberating through the cave says, ~Cave closing soon. All adventurers exit immediately through main office.~"; ]; Object endgame_timer with time_left 0, time_out [; score = score + 10; while (child(player)) remove child(player); move bottle to At_Ne_End; if (child(bottle)) remove child(bottle); move giant_bivalve to At_Ne_End; move brass_lantern to At_Ne_End; move black_rod to At_Ne_End; move little_bird to At_Sw_End; move velvet_pillow to At_Sw_End; print "^The sepulchral voice intones, ~The cave is now closed.~ As the echoes fade, there is a blinding flash of light (and a small puff of orange smoke). . . ^^ As your eyes refocus, you look around...^"; PlayerTo(At_Ne_End); ];