Room In_Hall_Of_Mt_King "Hall of the Mountain King" with name 'hall' 'of' 'mountain' 'king', description "You are in the hall of the mountain king, with passages off in all directions.", cant_go "Well, perhaps not quite all directions.", u_to In_Hall_Of_Mists, e_to In_Hall_Of_Mists, n_to Low_N_S_Passage, s_to In_South_Side_Chamber, w_to In_West_Side_Chamber, sw_to In_Secret_E_W_Canyon, before [; Go: if (Snake in self && (noun == n_obj or s_obj or w_obj || (noun == sw_obj && random(100) <= 35))) "You can't get by the snake."; ]; Object -> Snake "snake" with name 'snake' 'cobra' 'asp' 'huge' 'fierce' 'green' 'ferocious' 'venemous' 'venomous' 'large' 'big' 'killer', description "I wouldn't mess with it if I were you.", initial "A huge green fierce snake bars the way!", life [; Order, Ask, Answer: "Hiss!"; ThrowAt: if (noun == axe) <>; <>; Give: if (noun == little_bird) { remove little_bird; "The snake has now devoured your bird."; } "There's nothing here it wants to eat (except perhaps you)."; Attack: "Attacking the snake both doesn't work and is very dangerous."; Take: deadflag = 1; "It takes you instead. Glrp!"; ], has animate; ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Room Low_N_S_Passage "Low N/S Passage" with name 'low' 'n/s' 'passage', description "You are in a low N/S passage at a hole in the floor. The hole goes down to an E/W passage.", s_to In_Hall_Of_Mt_King, d_to In_Dirty_Passage, n_to At_Y2; Treasure -> "bars of silver" with name 'silver' 'bars', article "some", description "They're probably worth a fortune!", initial "There are bars of silver here!"; ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Room In_South_Side_Chamber "In South Side Chamber" with name 'south' 's//''side' 'chamber', description "You are in the south side chamber.", n_to In_Hall_Of_Mt_King; Treasure -> "precious jewelry" with name 'jewel' 'jewels' 'jewelry' 'precious' 'exquisite', article "some", description "It's all quite exquisite!", initial "There is precious jewelry here!"; ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Room In_West_Side_Chamber "In West Side Chamber" with name 'west' 'w//' 'wide' 'chamber', description "You are in the west side chamber of the hall of the mountain king. A passage continues west and up here.", w_to Crossover, u_to Crossover, e_to In_Hall_Of_Mt_King; Treasure -> rare_coins "rare coins" with name 'coins' 'rare', article "many", description "They're a numismatist's dream!", initial "There are many coins here!", has multitude;