Place Cave_Mouth "Cave Mouth" with name "gorse" "footpath" "cave" "mouth", description "This is a cave mouth, at one end of a road which winds southeast over rising ground. The entrance west to the caves is a dark tunnel, and only a footpath runs further north, into gorse.", u_to Up_Road, se_to Up_Road, in_to Iron_Door, w_to Iron_Door, n_to Footpath; Object -> Iron_Door "iron door" with name "iron" "door" "heavy", description "It just looks like an ordinary heavy iron door.", door_dir [; if (location==Cave_Mouth) return w_to; return e_to; ], door_to [; if (location==Cave_Mouth) return In_Cave; return Cave_Mouth; ], describe [; if (self has open) "^The iron door stands open."; if (self hasnt locked) "^The iron door is unlocked but shut."; "A heavy iron door bars the cave mouth."; ], found_in In_Cave Cave_Mouth has static door openable locked lockable; ! Cf. T. S. Eliot, "Burnt Norton" II: ! (but see also Mallarme's sonnet from which Eliot borrowed the image) Object -> sapphire "perfect sapphire" with name "perfect" "sapphire" "gemstone" "gem", initial "Clotted in the mud beside the door is a perfect sapphire.", before [; Examine: remove self; move caskly_spell to memory; players_book.learn_spell(caskly_spell); caskly_spell.number=100; "As you gaze into the perfect blue of the sapphire, you feel your mind begin to reel. Unable to bear the naked sight of perfection, you look away, ashamed. As you do so, the sapphire cracks and wastes away to thin hot dust. But something remains, something in your mind..."; ]; Spell caskly_spell with name "caskly", purpose "cause perfection", magic [; if (second==0) "Trying to make everything perfect was a little too ambitious."; if (second==player) "Oh, don't be too hard on yourself."; if (second==helistars_book) "Your spell is not powerful enough to restore the lost pages."; print_ret (The) second, " looks pretty perfect as is."; ];