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Browsing Ruins.inf

Entry point routines (lines 921-973)

921  !       Utility routines.
923  !       Defined in DM4 §4, modified in §21 and §23
924  [ Initialise;
925          TitlePage();
926          location = Forest;
927          move map to player;
928          move sodium_lamp to player;
929          move dictionary to player;
930          StartDaemon(sodium_lamp);
931          thedark.description =
932              "The darkness of ages presses in on you, and you feel
933               claustrophobic.";
934          "^^^Days of searching, days of thirsty hacking through the briars of
935           the forest, but at last your patience was rewarded. A discovery!^";
936          ];
938  !       Defined in DM4 Exercise 123
939  [ TitlePage i;
940          @erase_window -1; print "^^^^^^^^^^^^^";
941          i = 0->33; if (i > 30) i = (i-30)/2;
942          style bold; font off; spaces(i);
943          print " RUINS^";
944          style roman; print "^^"; spaces(i);
945          print "[Please press SPACE to begin.]^";
946          font on;
947          box "But Alligator was not digging the bottom of the hole"
948              "Which was to be his grave,"
949              "But rather he was digging his own hole"
950              "As a shelter for himself."
951              ""
952              "-- from the Popol Vuh";
953          @read_char 1 -> i;
954          @erase_window -1;
955          ];
957  !       Defined in DM4 §22
958  [ PrintRank;
959          print ", earning you the rank of ";
960          if (score == 30) "Director of the Carnegie Institution.";
961          if (score >= 20) "Archaeologist.";
962          if (score >= 10) "Curiosity-seeker.";
963          if (score >= 5) "Explorer.";
964          "Tourist.";
965          ];
967  !       Defined in DM4 §21
968  [ DeathMessage;
969          if (deadflag == 3) print "You have been captured";
970          ];
972  ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !

Last updated 23 June 2004. This site is no longer supported; information may be out of date.
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This page was originally managed by Graham Nelson ( assisted by C Knight.