! The game beings in the GRAND PLAZA. ! ! Defined in DM4 §4, modified in §8, §9 and §23 Object Forest "~Great Plaza~" with description "Or so your notes call this low escarpment of limestone, but the rainforest has claimed it back. Dark olive trees crowd in on all sides, the air steams with the mist of a warm recent rain, midges hang in the air. ~Structure 10~ is a shambles of masonry which might once have been a burial pyramid, and little survives except stone-cut steps leading down into darkness below.", d_to steps, in_to steps, u_to "The trees are spiny and you'd cut your hands to ribbons trying to climb them.", cant_go "The rainforest is dense, and you haven't hacked through it for days to abandon your discovery now. Really, you need a good few artifacts to take back to civilization before you can justify giving up the expedition.", before [; Listen: "Howler monkeys, bats, parrots, macaw."; ], has light; ! Defined in DM4 §4, modified in Exercise 1 and §23 Object -> mushroom "speckled mushroom" with name 'speckled' 'mushroom' 'fungus' 'toadstool', initial "A speckled mushroom grows out of the sodden earth, on a long stalk.", description "The mushroom is capped with blotches, and you aren't at all sure it's not a toadstool.", after [; Take: if (self.mushroom_picked) "You pick up the slowly-disintegrating mushroom."; self.mushroom_picked = true; "You pick the mushroom, neatly cleaving its thin stalk."; Drop: "The mushroom drops to the ground, battered slightly."; Eat: steps.rubble_filled = false; "You nibble at one corner, unable to trace the source of an acrid taste, distracted by the flight of a macaw overhead which seems to burst out of the sun, the sound of the beating of its wings almost deafening, stone falling against stone."; ], mushroom_picked false, has edible; ! Defined in DM4 §12 Object -> packing_case "packing case" with name 'packing' 'case' 'box' 'strongbox', initial "Your packing case rests here, ready to hold any important cultural finds you might make, for shipping back to civilisation.", before [; Take, Remove, PushDir: "The case is too heavy to bother moving, as long as your expedition is still incomplete."; ], has static container open openable; ! Defined in DM4 §6 Object -> -> camera "wet-plate camera" with name 'wet-plate' 'plate' 'wet' 'camera', description "A cumbersome, sturdy, stubborn wooden-framed wet plate model: like all archaeologists, you have a love-hate relationship with your camera."; ! Defined in DM4 §23 Object -> -> newspaper "month-old newspaper" with name 'times' 'newspaper' 'paper' 'month-old' 'old', description "~The Times~ for 26 February, 1938, at once damp and brittle after a month's exposure to the climate, which is much the way you feel yourself. Perhaps there is fog in London. Perhaps there are bombs."; ! Defined in DM4 §4, modified in §5 and §23 Object -> steps "stone-cut steps" with name 'steps' 'stone' 'stairs' 'stone-cut' 'pyramid' 'burial' 'structure' 'ten' '10', description [; if (self.rubble_filled) "Rubble blocks the way after only a few steps."; print "The cracked and worn steps descend into a dim chamber. Yours might "; if (Square_Chamber hasnt visited) print "be the first feet to tread"; else print "have been the first feet to have trodden"; " them for five hundred years. On the top step is inscribed the glyph Q1."; ], door_to [; if (self.rubble_filled) "Rubble blocks the way after only a few steps."; return Square_Chamber; ], door_dir d_to, rubble_filled true, has scenery door open; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !