! The PUMICE LEDGE. ! ! Defined in DM4 §23 Object On_Ball "Pumice-Stone Ledge" with description "An impromptu ledge formed by the pumice-stone ball, wedged into place in the chasm. The canyon nevertheless ends here.", n_to Canyon_S, d_to Canyon_S, u_to Canyon_S, has light; ! Defined in DM4 §23 Treasure -> "incised bone" with name 'incised' 'carved' 'bone', initial "Of all the sacrificial goods thrown into the chasm, perhaps nothing will be reclaimed: nothing but an incised bone, lighter than it looks, which projects from a pocket of wet silt in the canyon wall.", description "A hand holding a brush pen appears from the jaws of Itzamn@'a, inventor of writing, in his serpent form."; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !