#IfV5; #Ifdef VN_1630; Array StorageForShortName buffer 160; #Ifnot; Array StorageForShortName -> 160 + WORDSIZE; #Endif; ! VN_1630 #Endif; ! V5 #Ifdef TARGET_ZCODE; ! Platform-independent way of printing strings and properties to a ! buffer (defined as length word followed by byte characters). [ PrintToBuffer buf len a b c; @output_stream 3 buf; switch (metaclass(a)) { String: print (string) a; Routine: a(b, c); Object,Class: if (b) PrintOrRun(a, b, true); else print (name) a; } @output_stream -3; if (buf-->0 > len) print "Error: Overflow in PrintToBuffer.^"; return buf-->0; ];