! Much better menus can be created using the optional library extension ! "menus.h". These are provided for compatibility with previous practice: ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ LowKey_Menu menu_choices EntryR ChoiceR lines main_title i j; menu_nesting++; .LKRD; menu_item=0; lines=indirect(EntryR); main_title=item_name; print "--- "; print (string) main_title; print " ---^^"; if (menu_choices ofclass Routine) menu_choices.call(); else print (string) menu_choices; for (::) { L__M(##Miscellany, 52, lines); print "> "; #IFV3; read buffer parse; #IFNOT; read buffer parse DrawStatusLine; #ENDIF; i=parse-->1; if (i==QUIT1__WD or QUIT2__WD || parse->1==0) { menu_nesting--; if (menu_nesting>0) rfalse; if (deadflag==0) <>; rfalse; } i=TryNumber(1); if (i==0) jump LKRD; if (i<1 || i>lines) continue; menu_item=i; j=indirect(ChoiceR); if (j==2) jump LKRD; if (j==3) rfalse; } ];