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Browsing verblibm.h

SortOutList (lines 168-194)

0168  [ SortOutList obj i k l;
0169  !  print "^^Sorting out list from ", (name) obj, "^  ";
0170  !  for (i=child(location):i~=0:i=sibling(i))
0171  !      print (name) i, " --> ";
0172  !  new_line;
0173   .AP_SOL;
0174    for (i=obj:i~=0:i=sibling(i))
0175    {   k=i.list_together;
0176        if (k~=0)
0177        {   ! print "Scanning ", (name) i, " with lt=", k, "^";
0178            for (i=sibling(i):i~=0 && i.list_together==k:) i=sibling(i);
0179                if (i==0) rfalse;
0180            !print "First not in block is ", (name) i,
0181            ! " with lt=", i.list_together, "^";
0182            for (l=sibling(i):l~=0:l=sibling(l))
0183                if (l.list_together==k)
0184                {   SortTogether(parent(obj), k);
0185  !  print "^^After ST:^  ";
0186  !  for (i=child(location):i~=0:i=sibling(i))
0187  !      print (name) i, " --> ";
0188  !  new_line;
0189                    obj = child(parent(obj));
0190                    jump AP_SOL;
0191                }
0192        }
0193    }
0194  ];

Last updated 27 February 2004. This site is no longer supported; information may be out of date.
Maintained as a historical archive by the Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation. Copyright 1993-2018 IFTF, CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.
This page was originally managed by Graham Nelson ( assisted by C Knight.